How we began

God’s Missionary Church of Millmont began in 1933 in the home of Clayton Kuhns who was holding cottage prayer meetings with two other families.

In 1935 the young congregation blessed by God constructed it’s first church building. Though faced with many trials the congregation continued to grow as they sought after God.

On Christmas Eve 1957 the original building caught on fire and a large portion of the building burned. During the night after the fire had been put out, it reignited and the entire structure was destroyed.

The land where the current church sits was donated by Raymond Thomas and construction of a new building began immediately.

On June 15, 1958 700 people attended the dedication service of the current church building.

14 Pastors have served the congregation over the years and though faced with internal and external hardships God’s Missionary Church of Millmont, by the Grace of God, has continued to stand as a place of hope for the lost.